Why I Stopped Watching TV
The Case for No TV
I have a confession to make: I didn’t own a TV for 20 years! It all started when I was a teenager, and I visited my mom's friend's house. I was shocked to see... no TV! I was glued to the screen back then, watching 8-10 hours a day (no joke!). But my mom's friend was a PhD student who preferred reading books, and I felt convicted to try a TV-free life.
The TV-Free Life
From age 15 to 35, I didn't own or watch TV. I still caught movies at friends' houses and browsed the internet, but no TV device for me! I was busy in college and podiatry school, and without TV, I had fewer distractions.
Why I Don't Spend Time on Social Media
Fast forward to today, and I still don't watch much TV (unless I'm sick or hanging with the kids). And social media? I just don't have the time! I'd rather produce content that others can enjoy than waste time scrolling through feeds. I know, I know - it's old-fashioned, but I've got too much to do! (like this newsletter)
So, What's Your Take on Social Media?
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